Arranged Marriages Still Workable

An arranged wedding is one in which neither the husband nor wife choose the partner to marry. One’s parents, a relative or friend could help to select the partner. In some cases, both the bridegroom and the bride are chosen by their parents through a simple agreement to marry each other. This arrangement may be made earlier in life, as the children grow. An arrangement for marriage can be made because of the relationship that both parents have, or due to the family status or race of the parties. 

This type marriage can be seen as a legacy that stretches across many generations and is therefore difficult to ignore. Parents who choose to marry their child or daughter in a match-mating ceremony have also been married that way. Many parents and children accept arranged marriages because of pressure from their community. In some cultures, love marriages or courtships are considered failures by parents in order to retain control over their children. Arrangements for marriage can still work in modern society, no matter how you see it in your own culture matrimony.

Here are some examples of how arranged marriages can be effective:

High quality of life

The parents of the groom or bride arrange marriages that are of higher standard than theirs.

Decency high

Arranged marriages have a higher standard of distinct decency than love marriages. This is because courtship can be reduced or completely absent.

Very little or no pressure

Arranged marriages can be less stressful than love marriages where one parent can strongly discredit a marriage. This arrangement is more peaceful and harmonious.


India, Japan and North America specifically have high values in arranged marriages. However, there are other countries where the family has high values with particular regard to the job and educational background of the intended spouse. In these countries, education and a good job is the norm, which improves the literacy rate of the country.


Arranged marriages have more respect than love ones, as the matched-mates that were established by their parents will most likely respect the mother-in-law who discovered them, and vice-versa.

How to parent:

One parent may long for the good qualities of another parent. If they live a life that is worthy of imitation, and train their children the same way, it could be possible to arrange their daughter or son’s wedding based on their lifestyle and behavioural traits.


Arranged marriages encourage immigrants, particularly for the bride. An example: A European who wants a hybrid baby might ask a good friend, who is often on business trips to Asia or Africa, to choose the right spouse. After the marriage, the spouse will have to migrate.

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